There are many birth control methods that are widely used around the world. Some of them have to be applied by women, some of them by men. For a better understanding, I will try to clarify the topic in the form of questions and answers.
Question: What are the birth control methods that men can apply, what is the failure rate?
Answer: There are 3 birth control methods that men can apply.
1- Withdrawal: It is based on ejaculating semen out of the vagina by ending sexual intercourse just before ejaculation. This method creates problems for both parties in getting pleasure and the failure rate is 4-18%.
2- Condoms: It is a frequently used, cheap, and effective method. The failure rate is around 2-5%. It has disadvantages such as low pleasure in intercourse, the requirement of usage in every intercourse, sometimes the problem of destroying the condom used after intercourse, and side effects in those with latex allergy. An important advantage is that it prevents sexually transmitted diseases.
3- Blocking-off the sperm canals (Vasectomy): It is the male version of the tubal ligation method in women. However, while this operation is very complicated in women, it is a relatively simple operation made through a 2-3 mm incision of approximately 15 minutes in men. It is the most effective birth control method that is becoming increasingly common in the world. The success rate is considered to be 100%.
Question: Why is vasectomy not preferred often?
Answer: This is due to widely known misinformation on this subject. Men think that their eggs (testicles) will be removed after this procedure, that they will not be able to have intercourse, they will not be able to ejaculate or enjoy the intercourse. In short, they think they will lose their masculinity. The main explanation for this is that it is considered to be close to the sterilization process in animals. However, in vasectomy, the blood vessels leading to the testicle are not cut. As the blood vessels keep the testicles healthy, they also carry the male hormone produced here. As can be seen from the figure, in vasectomy, we cut the sperm canals, not the veins of the testicle. This situation does not cause any damage to the testicle.
Question: Will my sexual functions change after vasectomy?
Answer: As I mentioned above, blocking-off the tubes in women does not cause any sexual dysfunction in women, and blocking-off the sperm canals in men does not cause any sexual dysfunction in men. There is no change after the procedure in any of the issues such as erection, ejaculation, orgasm, sexual desire.
Question: How is vasectomy surgery performed?
Answer: It is a procedure that does not require hospitalization, by cutting the sac on the testicles about half a centimeter with local anesthesia, and the sperm canals are tied and cut. The patient is placed on the table on his back, and then local anesthesia is administered with a thin needle on the right and left sides of the sac after cleaning the sacs are with an antiseptic solution. A small incision is made here and the sperm canal is taken out, then this canal is cut and left inside again. Then the skin incision is closed with dissolvable stitches. A small dressing is made.
Question: What should I pay attention to after vasectomy?
Answer: It is recommended to rest for 2-3 days after vasectomy and visit for control after 1 week. Usually, no antibiotics or painkillers are required.
Question: When can I have sexual intercourse after vasectomy?
Answer: Since sperm can be located in the upper part of the cut canal for up to three months after a vasectomy, intercourse should be avoided unless another method of protection is used. After approximately 20 ejaculations or 3 months, semen analysis is a guaranteed method to see that there is no sperm.
Question: What are the complications of a vasectomy procedure?
Answer: The complication rate is less than 1%. Bleeding, infection, and the development of a cystic structure called sperm granuloma at the operation site are the most common complications. Sperm granuloma does not cause any complaints. Infections are usually controlled with antibiotics. Bleeding is usually stopped with dressing.
Question: Who can have a vasectomy?
Answer: According to law number 2827 adopted in 1983 in our country, anyone over the age of 18 can have a vasectomy with their own consent, and if they are married, with the consent of their spouse.
Question: What can I do if I want to have a child after vasectomy?
Answer: The vasectomy procedure is particularly recommended for those who are adamant they do not want to have children again. However, if he wants to have a child again for any reason, he can have a child in two ways.
1- Reconnection of sperm canals: With the microsurgical technique, surgery is performed in which the cut sperm canals are reconnected with a larger incision in the same area. Compared to the first, it is a much more complicated and difficult operation that requires serious experience. The success rate is poor, and the cost is high as well.
2- In Vıtro Fertilization: It can be performed by opening the eggs surgically and taking sperm from them. This method is also not guaranteed.
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